Have you gotten your hands on a copy of body English yet? Would you like to share your thoughts about the book with an international audience, including Peter Cornwall himself? Post your comments below!
Have you gotten your hands on a copy of body English yet? Would you like to share your thoughts about the book with an international audience, including Peter Cornwall himself? Post your comments below!
3 replies on “Readers: have your say”
This is an exquisite collection of poetry. Peter Cornwall has an enthralling style all of his own, he uses some remarkable imagery and manages to capture a whole host of emotions in his unique work. There is something in his delivery which is indescribably poignant and beautiful. I was sorry to reach the last page.
Poems to be savoured one by one. Intelligent, honest, physical and impaginative writing. Its effect lingers on long after the poem has been read and as it ought to. Yes beautiful Body English indeed.
Highly recommended !
imaginative, of course!